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May 2024 Archives

What does CBAM stand for and it's implications on businesses

CBAM, or Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, is a policy designed to level the playing field for manufacturers in different regions of the world by ensuring that imported goods are subject to the same environmental standards as those produced domestically.

What is an EPD and how can I use it?

EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration. An EPD is a document in which you can find data about the environmental impact of a certain building material. This data is presented in a standardized way, which makes it a lot easier to compare different materials

Embodied Carbon vs Operational Carbon – The Key to Sustainable Construction

In the world of sustainable construction, two important terms often come into play: embodied carbon and operational carbon. While both are critical to understanding the environmental impact of a building, they differ in terms of what they measure and how they contribute to carbon emissions.

5 Ways Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Emissions

As a business, you not only want to reduce your carbon footprint but also become an excellent example for clients and partners.