Worcestershire Growth Hub

Worcestershire Business Central Worcestershire Growth Hub

Worcestershire Growth Hub background

We have been working with Worcestershire Growth Hub as a Specialist Business Advisor. The programme provided free specialist advice to Worcestershire businesses delivered in a one-to-one format.

We were one of six specialist business advisors that provided advice to other businesses on the specialist topic of green agenda and sustainability. 

During the first and second phases of the programme, more than 300 businesses accessed and benefitted from the programme. Worcestershire Growth Hub intends to continue this success into the next phase, starting Summer 2022 and we are delighted to be a part of it.

Any business in Worcestershire was eligible for the programme but found it most beneficial if they have:

  • Operated for at least one year
  • At least three full time employees
  • A turnover of £100,000 minimum