Staffordshire Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme

Staffordshire Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme

LCBEP background

Staffordshire Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme


The Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme is a European Regional Development Funded project that supported eligible business to reduce their carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency across Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire LEP areas. SBEN made it their mission to support organisations to achieve long term sustainability and maximise business opportunities through innovative environmental activity.


The service we provide with regards to LCBEP


Our Energy Efficiency Reviews are the starting point for a company’s opportunity to reduce its costs and carbon emissions. Combining a detailed analysis of the current energy consumption with the findings from an on-site review, we will identify any areas of energy inefficiency and make recommendations for carbon and cost savings.

During the programme, we:

  • Surveyed the facilities
  • Gathered data relating to energy use
  • Analysed energy data – we have a range of sophisticated software, which provide clear profiles of consumption
  • Reported our findings and made recommendations as appropriate

The onsite visit could include:

  • A physical site review and tour (following completion of appropriate health and safety assessment and briefing).

  • A discussion with the management of the business about the perceived issues faced by the business and any recent activity relating to energy and resource efficiency.

  • An in-depth analysis of the energy efficiency issues within the business including an assessment of the business’s energy use, the efficiency of their processes and the fabric of the building.

  • Where space heating/cooling is an issue we looked to compare the heating loads with a measure of the degree days for the region to establish and remove the impact of ambient temperature on consumption. Assessing this impact allows the true efficiency and effectiveness of the heating system to be measured and allows for meaningful comparisons year on year and month on month.

  • Pro Enviro also have a range of sub metering equipment which were used if required to take spot readings of consumption during the assessment visit. The data was used to provide a meaningful analysis of consumption patterns as well as absolute values and will be compared to levels of activity where possible.

  • A debrief of the key issues identified during the site visit and the possible solutions / improvements that could be made. We also discussed any other wider resource efficiency issues regarding, waste, water and renewable energy that have been noted during the site assessment. The timescale for providing the visit report and recommendations was also agreed with the customer at the conclusion of the visit.

  • The visit and subsequent action plan focussed on the key issues raised within the assessment but also ensured that other potential opportunities are not overlooked. The action plan focussed on no or low-cost opportunities for improvements, if these are available, prior to moving on to opportunities that may require investment in time and capital cost and will be discussed directly with the company’s management team. 


Eligibility criteria and Funding information: